Off Stage

work outside traditional theatre spaces

a woman in a denim dress and red shoes stands in front of a lapped wooden wall waving a banner with the words hope and ponies above bunting and piecework pictures of ponies

Hope & Ponies

A factory of hope

My Land Your Land

Home through the voices of Young people from migrant families 

Katherina and Alister in their Storyville installation


an inhabited installation in which to discuss what we value

Bulgarian passport drawing by Katherina Radeva

A Journey of a Home

a one on one audio walk about leaving home to find home


unexpected stories of love

cast of the first LANDED project (photo by Alma Haser)

Dusty Feet

a gallery project about signs and meaning

Flag codes for sailors (from Wiltshire Archives)
Woman hula-hooping (drawing by Katherina Radeva)

Kitty has no pity - the art of not giving up

the determination of a rhythm gymnast the system couldn't accept