Support Us

art changes lives

Art makes us think, talk, reconsider.

It reframes the world around us and our place in it.

We're excited by what happens when people recognise and celebrate their differences.

We create dialogue within our work, and about it.

We're a charity

What we do is powerful.

Our audiences, participants and project partners tell us how much it matters.

Led by artists, we deliver creative projects, and support other artists through curation, mentoring and residencies, always with cash, care and community.

support us

Donation choices

Clicking on the donate button lets you make a donation directly to us, and GiftAid can boost your donation by 25%:

You can also donate on facebook. All of your donation through these reaches us, with no processing fees.

Help by shopping

Your normal shopping with many popular brands can support us when you use Give As You Live to support our work:

If you'd like to discuss a longer-term relationship, support a particular project or discuss opportunities to work together, get in touch!